If the letter is being sent as a hard copy, then it should be in the proper business format, otherwise, if the letter is being emailed, it should have an appropriate subject line and proper grammar.
[Organization name] is planning a community carnival to promote anti-bullying and raise money for our non-profit organization. The mission of our group is to provide youth with leadership skills so they can better serve their communities. To fully fund this event, we are looking for sponsors. This is a chance to contribute either monetarily or to donate food to our event.
In exchange for supporting our carnival, we will place your organization's name on all marketing and media campaigns. Additionally, if your business wants to have a booth at the community carnival, we can help make this happen. This is a chance to address a serious issue affecting our youth and to engage with the community.
As you know, bullying is a serious topic today. More and more youth today are turning to self harm and even suicide to cope with such emotional terrorism and physical violence. We hope that the fun carnival will bring the community together so that we can bring awareness and even educate people about the realities of this situation. Your business is focused on bettering the lives of the community, which makes you an ideal partner organization for this community carnival.
We look forward to working with and hearing from you. Thank you for your time and for your continuous support of the community.
Yours truly,
[Your Name]