After accepting a job offer, it's a good idea to send a formal acceptance letter. Following up with a brief written message shows your new employer that you're professional, prompt and ready to work. A letter also gives you the opportunity to reinforce important information about the position, including salary and included health benefits. You should also confirm the start date for your new job.
If the letter is being sent as a hard copy, then it should be in the proper business format, otherwise, if the letter is being emailed, it should have an appropriate subject line and proper grammar.
Thank you for your call today regarding the position of Head Widget Maker at Widgeteer Bros. International. It is with great pleasure that I accept the position. I feel that my past experience in widget manufacture lines up well with the duties you described and I am looking forward to being a part of your company.
As per our discussion, my salary will begin at $40,000 a year and include full health and dental benefits beginning after a month of employment. Five paid sick days per year will be provided with personal vacation days accumulating according to time worked.
Please let me know if you require any additional information before I start work on May 1st, 2014. Again, I am looking forward to working with you in continuing the tradition of quality widget manufacture.
Joe Coggs